about the
heuer collectors
The Heuer Collectors was initiated by 2 enthusiastic collectors of vintage Heuers from the Netherlands.
Why HeuerCollectors? Since as long as I can remember I felt attracted to vintage watches and especially the vintage Heuer watches. More than 20 years ago I bought my first Heuer, the 3147N. At that time I did not know the type and it did not matter to me. I just liked it, a lot. Since that time, the world of Heuer opened up for me and it was great to discover the rich catalogue of this great brand. I still enjoy wearing them and I don't think it will ever fade away. HeuerCollectors is a platform for collectors to present their collection and a way of renew their collection by selling from their collection, and adding others by buying or trading.
Want to become a member of the Heuer Collectors?
That is possible ofcourse. The founders of this platform a striving for only a few members per country worldwide. By doing this, we offer the member a bit of exclusivity in a specific country.,
As a member:
You are responsible for your own sales
Becoming a member and using the platform is free of charge!
Before becoming member you need to show recent references to prove you are an adequate collector and seller/buyer
Once you are a member:
You can post unlimited items for sale
All request or offers on you posted watches will be directed straight to you e-mail account
Present yourself as profiled as above
We will evaluate the members once a year. All complaints from buyers will be taken very seriously and misbehavior, scamming and fraud in any way, will lead to termination of the membership. For more information, please send an e-mail to info@heuercollectors.com